I overcame my obesity and became the “princess of running”

Your story

Published on 6 December 2017

The beginning of an unbelievable transformation

To achieve great things in life and never give up, I have always believed that you need to find your own source of motivation. Everyone has something different that drives them. For me, it was my love of horses.

When I was five years old, my parents gave me a Barbie horse, sparking my dream of becoming a horse rider. Several years later, I adopted my horse, Casanova. At that time, I weighed 130 pounds more than I do now. It was Casanova who gave me the strength to take control of my life. I saw myself on horseback with the wind in my hair, just like in the Disney movies I used to love. The only problem was, I was too heavy to ride my horse. Then and there, I decided that I was going to get fit! I was extremely determined. Today, 130 pounds lighter and many kilometres of running later, I can ride my horse with tremendous pride.


Fitness in first place

To get in shape, I adopted a healthy diet and incorporated sports into my life. At first, I was interested in speed walking, but over time, walking turned into running. Running is not only a complete sport to keep me fit, it also helps me escape and process my emotions. Since I started running, I feel in complete control of my body. I’ve taken my life into my own hands. Before, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined taking part in a fitness competition. But several months ago, I registered for the Canada Fitness Championship in Montreal and, to my great surprise, I won first prize in the Transformation category. The jury was struck by my impressive journey, my lively personality and, above all, my enthusiasm. I am very proud of this achievement.


Facebook: The Princess of Running (“La Princesse de Course”)

I decided to write a blog to keep a record of my experiences, express myself and above all, create a space free of judgment. At first, my blog was fairly light-hearted, but I soon found out that many people were inspired by my experiences and motivated to get in shape. Today, I am thankful that my simple personality and zest for life can inspire those around me. Every day, I receive encouraging messages and testimonies that truly move me. I feel that my blog is making a real difference in many people’s lives. Some of my posts reach up to 30,000 people. It’s very heartening to see this kind of success!

Link to blog - La Princesse de Course - : Facebook  


Trainer at Énergie Cardio

It is with deep appreciation that I embark on a new chapter of my life as a trainer at Énergie Cardio Duvernay. As soon as I complete my training, it will be my pleasure to continue to help people stay positive and reach their goals.


As I’ve always said: “Believing in yourself is your greatest strength!” I can’t wait to help others put this principle into practice!


No shortage of plans

I have many projects for the future. I plan to get involved in several causes that mean a lot to me. I also plan to run a marathon and to inspire people to take their health seriously. But I still embrace my inner child and don’t take myself too seriously. The little girl in me still dreams of taking part in the Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2018. In some stories, the horse saves the princess! 😉


Mélanie Houle