Try Plant-Based Protein…Directly on the Grill!

Food and nutrition

Published on 27 July 2020
by Isabelle Huot


Plant-based protein has become all the rage in recent years. Who would have thought it would become the star of the show, even on the grill? Several plant-based proteins are delicious on the barbecue.



Grilled legumes on the grill? Absolutely, as long as you cook them first! Legumes can be shaped into perfect patties. You’ll get a filling meal at a fraction of the cost. Beans and lentils are the ideal choice for this type of meal!



People who don’t like tofu often hold two things against it: its flavour and its texture. To win over the skeptics, marinate tofu for at least twelve hours. Then grill it! Cooking at high temperatures produces a crunchy tofu that promises to delight the entire family.


Burgers and sausages

Some store-bought ready-to-eat products easily replace meat and meat-based sausages. However, consumers need to be vigilant because some products are high in salt (including the famous Beyond Meat) and contain several additives. Take a close look at the Nutrition Facts and list of ingredients on the package to choose the best options.



Isabelle Huot
Doctor in nutrition