Having decided to go back to physical activity, and motivated by a new start, some people go back to their training routine with a vengeance. Result: painful and sore muscles. Even a simple movement such an arm extension (push-ups), can cause soreness. When a muscle stretches at the same time it is making an effort, it can result in pains because of the tears forming in the muscle fibres.
Is there a way to avoid such an inconvenience? With strength training, it is possible to alleviate them by taking lighter loads. As far as cardiovascular training is concerned, it is possible to do activities that do not typically cause muscle soreness such as swimming laps –or any other water sport, cycling, skating, cross-country skiing, etc.
Muscle soreness is part of the body’s adaptation process to training; in fact, it is a sign that our body is not yet accustomed to the efforts we subjected it to. Unless you are injured, the pain should disappear quickly with some rest. However, the more intense the workout, the more intense the pain. Several athletes bathe in ice-cold water to get rid of the pain or to reduce localized inflammation caused by muscle tears; however that formula has its limits, after a while, the beneficial effects tend to disappear. Furthermore, some researches show that we should allow the body to repair itself thus favouring a better adaptation and increased performances in the long run.
Because soreness comes with the territory, one should try to go easier to avoid suffering terribly. For example, if you are going back to running, avoid downward paths and remain on a flat terrain, or alternate with cycling or a swimming sessions. You should never refrain from working out because of muscle soreness nor let your pain slow down your determination!
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