In March 2017, I decided to take the reins for my 30th birthday and change the habits that led me to obesity. I also realized that I had over 100 lb to lose!
Several months before deciding to take the plunge, I tried to find miracle weight loss solutions without signing up for a gym, because it had never worked in the past.
In November 2017, I had tried everything (running, skiing, at-home exercise videos, etc.), but I still couldn’t lose the weight!
That’s when I thought signing up to the Fontainebleau Énergie Cardio gym might be a solution, but this time around I was fully invested and got a trainer to help motivate me. I started with a six-month subscription and ended up loving my experience so much that I extended my subscription for two years to maintain my good lifestyle habits and stay on track with my goals!
Another major challenge I faced was reconciling family life with two young children. My spouse and I are entrepreneurs and he was also planning to take university courses. It wasn’t easy to find time to take care of myself and stick with my training sessions on top of my already full schedule.
But I was very lucky. I was in good hands thanks to my exceptional trainer! I immediately built trust with Kim and she taught me how to eat better. We made a great team. The more the weeks went by, the more I saw the numbers drop on the scale. It was really motivating to continue to push my limits and take myself to the next level. Moreover, Kim was always there for me...whether it was a question about food, training, or creating new challenges to stay motivated.
I was never really into group classes, but I now participate in at least five classes a week in addition to my private training hour with Kim. I’m lucky that Kim also teaches group classes like Mills Bodypump, Bodyflow and CXworks, not to mention my favourites—military cardio and EVEREST! With her contagious energy, she truly got me on the training bandwagon.
In the moments when I felt like giving it all up, she told me something I often say to myself: “To reach your goal, focus on why it’s important for you.”
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard “if you want results, get out of your comfort zone!”
In addition to becoming a better person for my family and friends, I had the will to lose 100 lbs in one year (November 2017 to November 2018)! Gaining self-confidence and becoming a role model and an example of courage and determination for my loved ones motivates me to continue along this path for a long time. The combination of exercise and good nutrition prevents health issues and promotes the healthiest lifestyle possible.
My next challenge is to run my first half marathon! I’m really looking forward to it because I know with my supervised training, I’m in good hands to succeed and have FUN!
In my opinion, the key to success is to be honest with yourself and your trainer, to be supported by those around you, and to be consistent and intense with your workouts.