How Sleep Affects Sports Recovery

Published on 9 May 2018
by Lait au chocolat

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and during this time, our body regenerates so that we can start the following day fresh. The same principle applies to sports. Rest is essential for your body to recover so that you can continue to push your limits. Here are a few tips to help you sleep like a pro.

Physical recovery

When we sleep, many physiological and biochemical processes work to restore our bodies: skin heals, bones renew themselves, tissues regenerate, toxins are eliminated, and muscles develop. After an intense workout, you tend to need more sleep to properly recover.

Developing new habits

Sleep helps you consolidate new knowledge. For example, if you try to improve your motor skills by practising soccer step-overs, you will be more adept once you have a nap as opposed to doing some other activity. All our daily learnings are stored in our brain while we sleep.

Tricks for restorative sleep

– Ensure that your bedroom is quiet, dimly lit, and cool (around 18 °C), and that your bed is very comfortable.

– Dedicate this room to sleep.

– Develop a regular sleep schedule.

– Adopt a soothing bedtime ritual (reading, meditation, bath, etc.) and do it every night.

– Do daily physical activity in the late afternoon or early evening to tire you out and improve the quality of your sleep.

– Go to bed with a full stomach. If you’re hungry, have a light snack.

– Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, especially near bedtime.


A healthy diet, good hydration, and restorative sleep are only a few of the good habits you can integrate into your daily routine to help you recover after a workout.

Link to the article (french only)

Lait au chocolat