No More Excuses in 2020!

My workout

Published on 27 December 2019

It can be difficult to find the motivation to work out when you’re tired. Ironically, the more active we are, the more our physical fitness improves, and the more energy we have. Physical activity is THE miracle cure to break the vicious cycle of fatigue. The question is: why do we feel tired? Family? Work? Personal obligations? Well, what about you? When was the last time you took some time for yourself? Start by giving yourself an easily attainable goal (like taking a 10-minute walk) and feel proud when you accomplish it. Gradually increase the difficulty of your goal every week until you manage to include exercise into your weekly routine. Not only will you feel better, but your sleep and productivity will improve as well.

To make sure you stick to your training resolutions, adapting your routine to your energy level is key. If you’re exhausted in the evening after work, exercise in the morning. All it takes is a bit of organization! Get up an hour earlier and take advantage of your morning workout to clear your mind and focus on yourself. After this period of physical activity, you’ll see that you’re more alert and ready to take on your day.If your schedule allows, you can also plan your workout sessions during your lunch hour. What a great way to break up your day and get the boost you need to finish your afternoon on a high note! Come nightfall, you’ll sleep like a baby.


  1. “OH NO! I LEFT... AT HOME!”

You can fill in the blank with any number of items: my shoes, my padlock, my clothes, my sports bag, my deodorant, my water bottle, my music, etc. What’s the best way to ensure that this doesn't happen? Keep a spare workout kit in your car. Never miss a workout thanks to your emergency kit!

Whenever you use your emergency kit, don’t forget to replace it as soon as you get home.

Tip of the day: Don’t leave a full water bottle in your bag. You never know when you’ll need those extra workout items. If the bottle leaks, you’re in for a nasty surprise!



During certain periods of the year, we sometimes feel like we have less time. But whatever the season, a full week is always made up of 168 hours. Physical activity experts recommend that we engage in 2.5 hours of low to moderate exercise per week. What’s the best way to achieve this? By being organized! List your daily tasks and postpone those that aren’t a priority. You can then easily include a workout into your routine without interfering with your essential daily responsibilities or reducing your hours of sleep.

And no, your workout isn't one of the tasks you can put off until tomorrow!


Injuries are one of the main reasons people choose to put off working out. But did you know that exercise can help you heal more quickly? The human body is made up of more than 600 muscles, and each one has a very specific role. If you have an upper body injury, you can still work out your core and lower body muscles. In addition to increasing blood circulation and bringing essential nutrients to your muscles, exercise stimulates the secretion of hormones that promote muscle development and healing. Our kinesiologists can suggest appropriate exercises for your injury to help you get back on your feet.


                While having a workout partner can be a great source of motivation, their absence shouldn't divert you from your goals. Once you’re at the gym, you’ll be surrounded by others and won’t feel alone. If you’re looking to benefit from the group effect, you may want to join a group class. You’ll be working out with twenty to forty people. Do you prefer floor training, but your friend isn’t always available to join you? They may not be the ideal workout partner for you. Your Énergie Cardio gym is brimming with enthusiastic individuals who are also looking for new workout partners. One more reason to explore the options that are available to you.