There is a common misconception that consuming nutritious food or beverages after training cancels out the energy you have expended. The truth is, it’s important to eat to maximize recovery and stay strong so you can continue your training in the following days. Learn how!
The protein you consume after training not only helps maintain your muscle mass, but also plays an important role in satiety (feeling full). High-protein food or beverages after intensive training will therefore satiate your hunger until your next meal. You won’t feel as ravenous when you sit down to eat and will be less inclined to wolf down your food.
Carbohydrates (sugars) are just as important as protein after a workout. We suggest that you consume between 1 g and 1.5 g of carbs per kg of body weight after training. Some people don’t have an appetite after intensive exercise. If this is the case, a high-carb beverage is an excellent alternative. Chocolate milk or a yogurt and fresh fruit smoothie are ideal choices after intensive physical activity.
To maximize your carb reserves and perform better the day after intensive physical activity (running, basketball, hockey, etc.), it is preferable to consume a high-carb beverage or snack 30 minutes after training. After less intensive exercise (such as dancing or walking), feel free to have a nutritious snack to curb your hunger. Your subsequent meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner after training) will also allow you to replenish your carb reserves.
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