A cross-training athlete tries out our group classes and here's what she thinks.

My workout

Published on 25 September 2019
by Karen Laroche

A while ago, I decided to try a group class at Énergie Cardio. Here’s how it went. I won’t hide the fact that I was way out of my comfort zone and I definitely didn’t think a group class could become part of my routine, despite the fact that I was told several times I would love it.

To put it simply, I’m used to the CrossFit box setting. Think about all the clichés: group setting, loud music, different workouts every day, chalk, feeling like you can’t move after a big WOD. This is what motivates me to head the gym day after day. So when someone suggested I try a LesMills BodyPump class, I was pretty skeptical, to say the least.

Here’s how the classes are described: The BodyPump strengthens and sculpts your entire body through proven movements such as squats, lunges, presses, pulls, and push-ups. Our motivating instructors will help you achieve your fitness goals with choreography set to today’s biggest hits.Expect short recovery periods and plenty of repetitions, allowing you to maintain an elevated heart rate while sculpting and toning your muscles and burning the maximum amount of calories.

Cool. Although the word “choreography” made me giggle a bit, the goal of muscular endurance and the choice of movements convinced me to give it a shot. So I prepared myself for 55 minutes outside of my comfort zone.

Minute 0:

When I arrived, the instructor saw that I was like a deer in the headlights and came over to introduce herself. She explained what to do, advised me on the rep loads, and how the class would go. For a girl who was used to working out, I still felt like I didn’t know what I had gotten myself into. Clearly, the other 30 people were not first-timers and my neighbours graciously took me under their wing during the class.

Minute 10:

After the warm-up, I started to feel comfortable with the equipment and the instructor increased the pace. I’m used to doing things my own way, but having someone guide you from A to Z is daunting, but motivating.


Minute 20:

With the encouragement of the instructor and my neighbour, I slowly realized that muscular endurance is not necessarily one of my strengths, but my pride is. I also found my footing with the music, movements, and ambience.

Minute 55:

My quads, pecs, triceps, biceps, shoulders, and back are still wondering what just happened. The class seemed a lot shorter than 55 minutes. That’s a good sign! Although the word “choreography” made me quick to judge this type of class, I realize that this is the future of aerobic classes.

All in all, there’s nothing wrong with switching up your routine. I now understand why so many members love group classes. If it speaks to you, even if only a little, check out the Énergie Cardio website to find a class near you. I swear: it will be 55 minutes well spent.

Who knows, maybe I’ll be tempted by another class soon.


Karen Laroche
Kinesiologist with a Master in Exercise Science. Responsible for special training projects for the Énergie Cardio network

Karen was initially a trainer at the Énergie Cardio centre in Trois-Rivières. After completing her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in kinesiology, she opened her own CrossFit studio. She then moved to Montreal and took over the Énergie Cardio centre in Complexe Desjardins. Karen is now the centre’s head trainer and oversees all special training projects. In addition to her vast professional experience, Karen is also a distinguished CrossFit athlete.