It can be difficult to resist a sugar craving. But what if we found healthier ways to satisfy our stomachs? That’s exactly what I’m proposing!
1. Satisfy your sweet tooth with other foods
Find that irresistible sweet flavour in other foods, like fresh or dried fruit. Personally, I satisfy my craving by slowly savouring one or two pieces of dark chocolate. You can also try breath mints or sugar-free gum.
2. Limit temptation
If your pantry shelves are lined with your favourite sweets, the risk of giving in to temptation is high. Hide these foods from sight or consider donating them. You should also avoid buying them again to keep the temptation away. As the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.”
3. Brush your teeth
This tip may seem strange, but it really does work! Do you feel like eating right after brushing your teeth? Usually, the answer is no. So, the next time you have a sugar craving, brush your teeth. You won’t want to ruin that fresh, clean feeling in your mouth with food. If that’s not enough, you can also try drinking a large glass of cold water, as the cold will slightly dull your taste buds.
Remember that sugar is not necessarily your enemy. Cutting it out of your diet completely is how you trigger sugar cravings. Treat yourself once in a while. But make sure it doesn’t become a habit. We’re human, after all, and a cookie never hurt anyone!