Recovery: A Question of Age

Published on 1 October 2018
by Lait au chocolat

The older we get, the more time our body needs to recover. However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid intense exercise! Here is more information about this essential post-workout period.


As our bodies age, our muscles lose flexibility and our joints stiffen. Strength and endurance are also affected, so warming up before a sport is very important.


Older athletes have an easier time recovering from an intense cycling session than an equally intense run, because running does more muscular damage. Other elements also influence recovery, such as overall physical fitness and genetics.


The DNA of good recovery

Recovery after training depends on many biochemical, physiological, and hormonal processes to start up the synthesis, reparation, and restructuring of muscular proteins and connective tissues. It is a complex process that requires 24 to 72 hours immediately following training.


Regardless of age, a day of rest between workouts is recommended for a proper recovery.


In addition, a protein-rich diet (up to twice the recommended amount for sedentary adults) helps recovery in older athletes.

Proteins on the menu

Low-fat dairy products, like yogurt, milk, eggs, nuts, fish, and chicken, are all rich in protein. For example, there is:


  • 9 g of protein per cup of milk
  • 10 g to 20 g of protein per cup of yogurt
  • 6 g of protein in one egg
  • 6 g to 8 g of protein per 28 g of fish or chicken

Link to the article (french only)
Lait au chocolat