At Christmas, some people overindulged while others took the time to relax.

Just for fun

Published on 1 December 2019
At Christmas, some people overindulged while others took the time to relax.
Between Christmas and New Year’s, you might get a little break that will give you time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so you can make your legendary New Year’s resolutions.
Most of the time, your aspirations are high: to lose weight, go to the gym, take time for yourself, and so on.
For us, a resolution is a habit or behaviour you change permanently to feel better about yourself and therefore be happier.
Here are a few tips that will help you achieve this once and for all.

What is your priority?
What area of your life do you want to improve? Health, work, or something else? It’s important to figure this part out, since you won’t be able to do everything at once.Make a list and go for it!

Be proactive
You won’t accomplish anything from the couch. You have to be proactive and keep your goals in mind. Try to surpass yourself.

Think long term.
It’s important to stop thinking that everything will fall into place within a few months. Plan three, four, or even five years in the future. It’s better to take baby steps rather than to go too fast and give up.

So, even if you overindulged a bit over the holidays, remember that the most important thing isn’t what you do between Christmas and New Year’s; it’s what you do the rest of the year that really counts.